Wheels & Tyres

Wheel Refurbishment
Wheel refurbishment can make your wheels look brand new again at a fraction of the cost of replacing your wheels.
Damaged wheels often scar the appearance of your Morgan. So we offer a refurbishment service for all Morgan wheels, including the magnesium wheels fitted to the Aero 8, standard aluminium wheels and of course painted wires, which will make your wheels look new again.
One working week is required to carry out the necessary work, where we will strip off the tyres, refurbish the wheels, refit tyres and balance. Please call for further details.

Alloy Rimmed Turrino Wire Wheels
If you are looking for something extra special for your Morgan to make it stand out from the rest, why not upgrade to a set of Alloy rimmed Turrino wire wheels.
These strong lightweight wheels, exclusively supplied by Techniques, are available in a variety of specifications for that unique look, including polished rims, coloured spokes and brass coated nipples.
Suitable for road and competition use.
4-Wheel Alignment
The alignment of your wheels is crucial to the handling and overall feel of your Morgan.
Steering and suspension geometry settings can easily get forgotten with Morgans. Many people believe that the sliding pillar 'is what it is' and you have to put up with it! While it is perhaps now considered to be a basic design concept, it still operates well and you only have to see how competitive Morgans are on track to realise that it's not all bad... With some basic adjustments to Camber angle, setting the steering track alignment correctly, your Morgan can feel much more precise especially when driven at speed.
For the Aero range we strongly recommend that you have the front and rear suspension geometry checked at least every two years or 10,000 miles, as when the wheel alignment is incorrect on these models, tyre wear and general handling can be seriously compromised.
Techniques carry out all of the above work regularly at our fully equipped workshop to ensure your Morgan performs and drives the way it should do. Please call for more details or to discuss your requirements.
Tyre Fitting & Balancing
Techniques can supply, fit and balance all makes of tyres for your Morgan.
We recommend that you fit the best tyres available to be as 'sure footed' on the road as possible. Careful selection of tyre choice is important for the best ride quality and perhaps more importantly a safer journey. However selecting the correct tyre for your Morgan isn't always as easy as it sounds with so many variations available.
'Out of balance' wheels can result in a vibration that is uncomfortable to the driver and premature wear of tyres, suspension and steering components. Wheel balancing can help to eliminate this vibration and you should notice a smoother ride and a more even tyre wear. If you notice uneven tyre wear or tyre 'wobble' at speeds of 40 /50mph, your wheels will very likely require re-balancing.
Yokohama Tyres
We supply Yokohama tyres suitable for Morgan road and competition use. We also supply Yokohama tyres for Morgan Race Challenge and Speed Championship at favourable prices, courtesy of Yokohama.